Stick a Love Letter On Your Mirror Today

By Diana Marlin, RD, LDN

As a kid, I remember sitting at the dentist and looking at a poster facing the exam chair that helped people to identify which type of wrinkles they had between their eyebrows and how they offer an in-office treatment to eliminate those wrinkles... at the dentist 🤔

We are BOMBARDED with messages about our bodies. Messages about how we should look, dress, and feel about our bodies, especially as we go through different ages and stages of life. We’re repeatedly told that we should shrink, tuck, smooth, sculpt, correct, and eliminate various parts of ourselves. Natural aspects of our bodies are described in the media as “stubborn”, “embarrassing”, and “unwanted” in order to plant the seed of self doubt and to prompt us to question our bodies in ways that we may have never even thought to question before.

We see and hear these messages not only on the radio, in magazines, on TV, billboards, and on social media, but also in doctors’ offices, at the dentist, in bookstores, clothing stores, pharmacies, gyms...the list goes on. Often these messages are spread “in the name of health”, but true healthy messages DON’T use body shaming and manipulation to inspire healthy lifestyle changes. These are the messages that fuel the multi-billion dollar diet, weight loss, beauty, and anti-aging industries. It’s time we stop asking whether we are good enough and start asking “who do they think they are targeting our bodies like that?!” While I’m all for investing in products and services that make you feel fabulous, I’m not okay with manipulative marketing that points out our “flaws” and promises to fix them. I urge you to TUNE OUT this negativity, and to choose unapologetic self love and joyful self care instead.

Why not bombard yourself with the loving messages you deserve to be hearing to counteract the negative noise that’s out there? 😍😍💕💕 Grab some sticky notes, write yourself some love notes, and stick ‘em on the mirror. 💕

Diana Marlin